Monday, April 26, 2010


Well, if anyone is still checking in for new posts after nearly a week of silence, here come a few more. I will try to post 2 - 3 a day so I catch up before the end of the week, and month. So here are three, one from Kumin, who has pretty words but doesn't read like poetry to me, and 2 from Kizer who I now plan to read extensively. I really like her work a lot so far. The two I have chosen are not necessarily representative, simply those I have picked out from a single night's perusal of a very large volume. These are probably not best examples of her work, or Kumin's, I just liked the use of form.

1 comment:

  1. When I was in the 11th grade, I loved this poem by Amy Lowell. I went looking for it recently online and I still find it lovely.

    The Letter

    Little cramped words scrawling all over the paper
    Like draggled fly's legs,
    What can you tell of the flaring moon
    Through the oak leaves?
    Or of my uncurtained window and the bare floor
    Spattered with moonlight?
    Your silly quirks and twists have nothing in them
    Of blossoming hawthorns,
    And this paper is dull, crisp, smooth, virgin of loveliness
    Beneath my hand.
    I am tired, Beloved, of chafing my heart against
    The want of you;
    Of squeezing it into little inkdrops,
    And posting it.
    And I scald alone, here, under the fire
    Of the greater moon.
